Read Aloud Books: How to Find the Right Story and Fit it Into Your Daily Rhythm

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Oh, the joy of read aloud books! In this post you’ll find helpful tips and inspiration for creating the daily habit of reading aloud to your children.

close up photo of person holding book
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

What Are the Benefits of Reading to Children?

  1. Reading aloud expands their vocabularies.
  2. It grows their imaginations.
  3. Reading aloud reduces stress.
  4. It gives children time to practice active listening.
  5. Children can process difficult situations in a safe setting.
  6. Reading aloud can improve their memory.
  7. They get a taste for different writing styles.
  8. Increased opportunity for family bonding.

“There are few stronger family bonds than this habit of devoting an occasional hour to reading aloud, on winter evenings, at any rate. The practice is pleasant at the time, and pleasant in the retrospect, it gives occasion for much bright talk, merry and wise, and quickens family affection by means of intellectual sympathy. Indeed, the wonder is that any family should neglect such a simple means of pure enjoyment, and of moral, as well as intellectual culture”

Charlotte Mason

What Makes a Good Book to Read Aloud?

Read aloud books are similar to what makes a book excellent for reading on their own (a “living book”.) A good book for reading aloud should be well-written (not dumbed down), touch on children’s emotions, written in a conversational manner, and light up their imaginations.

This article from Simply Charlotte Mason explains in further detail what type of book makes for a good read aloud.

read aloud mother and child reading a children s book
Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on

When Should Reading Aloud be Done?

We do reading aloud either during breakfast, before quiet time, or at the end of the day. However, we’ve found that the best time for our family is at the end of the day when everyone is starting to wind down. Experiment with reading aloud during downtime that you find during the day and see how it goes until you find a rhythm.

How Long Should a Read Aloud Last?

Depending on the day, the child, and the story, try starting with 10 minutes (or one chapter.) Gradually increase the time to 20 minutes or so as your children get used to actively listening to read alouds.

How to Make the Story Interactive

Making a read aloud interactive for your children is a great way to help them remember the story.

To bring the story to life:

  • Assign roles and try acting out a scene of the story as a family.
  • Have your child draw pictures of the characters, glue them to craft sticks and put on a puppet show.
  • Children first choose a scene from the story, then they can draw it or build it using blocks, Brain Flakes®, or anything that they enjoy working with. The sky is the limit!
  • Make a craft together using a character or certain page as inspiration.

There seem to be endless ways to bring a story to life after reading. For inspiration, simply research the book title on Pinterest or Google with the words “activity ideas” and you’ll find plenty of great options.

What if the Kids Aren’t into Crafts or Acting Out the Story?

Sometimes the kids just aren’t feeling it extra activities (same goes for us, right?) and that’s perfectly okay! Encourage them to work quietly on an activity.

My children have practiced yo-yo tricks & cartwheels during read alouds (and shockingly, were still able to narrate back to me what I had just read,) colored a fresh piece of artwork, worked on handicrafts, played with building sets, or just chosen to lay in their blanket fort and listen. Simply let them find a way to keep their hands busy with things they find interesting.

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